Note: Next Creative KM Certification class is coming up: Oct 16, 18, 23 and 25, 2023 (half days, 9-1 EST). Based on the "Radical KM" methodology and taught by the author of the program, Stephanie Barnes. Details here...
Radical KM seeks to make knowledge management take a strategic view of knowledge work from the perspective of the knowledge worker. Sustainability comes from making space for creativity in our organisations, so that they are not just analytical, rational, and process-oriented factories, but creative, and innovative ecosystems.
The value of knowledge management in the 21st century comes from learning, not from the databases and the documents of the 20th century, but from the experience of learning. It is necessary for knowledge management to take a more active role and to ask: what are the desired sustainable behaviours and is there a group of people who consistently exhibit many of them that we can learn from? How do we focus less on databases and documents and more on continuous learning?
Radical KM seeks answer these questions by putting creativity into our organisations, to make them whole, to help the people within them thrive in the times we live in: volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous times.
Our organisations have focused on the division of labour, the compartmentalisation of knowledge, and treating knowledge work like it is part of a production line. Anchoring our organisations in these industrial-age paradigms has left out space for creativity and does not suit desired knowledge-age requirements. People are not machines, knowledge work requires different behaviours to support it and be successful, it requires the behaviours that have been ignored in favour of efficiency and effectiveness. Making space for creativity is critical to our success in the 21st century and beyond.