KM Awareness Series

Learn proven KM methods/principles to improve your performance!

Do any of the following fit you or your organization?

  • You need a quick intro to KM
  • You are about to start a KM initiative
  • Your initial KM investment faltered and now you need a jumpstart
  • You need to explore (and justify) that practicing KM methods is the right path to take
  • Your organization is at the brink of a Change Management initiative

If any or all apply, KM Institute's Awareness Series is the right path for you!

KM Institute's Awareness Series will help you and your team:

Contact Us!

Ph: 703-327-7096

How to Contact Us

3554 Founders Club Drive, Sarasota, FL, 34240 (USA)

Phone: (US) 1-703-327-7096


What's Coming Up

Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM) Class for Europe (and Beyond)

Certified Knowledge Specialist - Innovation Management