As a small and growing knowledge management team, we are always looking for ways to engage our people. The FIFA World Cup 2018 presented a perfect opportunity for our us to create an internal campaign at our company, Moorhouse Consulting, modelled on the World Cup. It’s not hard to get swept up in the competitive spirit of the World Cup - even if you’re not a die-hard football fan. This enthusiasm was the wave we wanted to surf.
Our aim was to get people to share knowledge and understand the processes and benefits of knowledge management.
So what did we learn? Here are five things:
Keep it snappy, make it sassy
Aligning our campaign with the football World Cup was a good move. It generated excitement and competition. There was already a high level of enthusiasm about the football: all we had to do was harness it.
It could work with any other major event or cultural phenomenon. This could be another sporting event (the Olympics, Rugby World Cup, Wimbledon), a TV series (Game of Thrones, Love Island), or a contemporary craze (Tinder, anyone?). Linking it to something that people are already enthusiastic about will get you half way there.
Get your top dogs barking
It turned out that those teams who did the best overall had leaders who motivated their team to participate. The method of motivation varied: some offered carrots, others beat their sticks. What mattered was that the leaders were enthusiastic, competitive and wanted their team to win.
Buddy up
Our campaign team included two employees who were already working together on the same client project. This turned out to be an advantage: they could meet face to face, had similar working hours, and the same types of client pressures. If your campaign team members are already working closely together, it makes it much more efficient to get organised and move forward.
No single players
We found that in most teams, there was a star performer (an ‘MVP’, if you like), who scored the most points for the team. If you can get people to share the enthusiasm and improve the volume of participation, that will make your campaign more successful. One way of doing this could be to award bonus points for team work.
Turn the spark into a flame
If nothing else, we learned that our people are a competitive bunch. It only takes a little stoking to get the competitive flame burning. Make the most of it by gamifying your campaign, and offering incentives. There is a little child in all of us, and the prospect of a reward for doing a Good Thing is, of course, too tempting to resist.
In summary, we learned that there are a few fundamental things that can help you drive a successful internal engagement campaign. Linking your campaign to a non-work phenomenon that gets people excited is a good idea. You can never go wrong with rewards and incentives. And participation from leadership is a major propeller. Keep it simple. Make it fun.