Knowledge Management Institute

Learn the Best Practices for Designing an Effective Knowledge Management Strategy

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Learn the Best Practices for Designing an Effective Knowledge Management Strategy

Aug 20, 2021   |  By
KMI Guest Blogger Emily Harrinson

Every business is looking for ways to improve its internal policies and management of information. Each team has its team members and each of them comes with a set of values and knowledge that enrich the entire team process. Moreover, if you are active in your domain, you have already implemented some working policies and habits. Team members are probably already exchanging information in a variety of ways, so things are already moving. But how do the entire business and every individual team manage the information they come across or share?

Well, if your business does not have a knowledge management (KM) strategy implemented, building one as soon as possible is important. As the business will slowly grow, its employees will interact with more and more information on the products or services you offer.

At the same time, they will acquire more knowledge. But it is wise to think ahead about what will happen if one of the employees resigns. What happens to the knowledge they have on your business that must be passed on to the people they come in their place? A KM strategy helps you handle and manage efficiently all the knowledge that exists in the company. Here are the best practices for designing an effective KM strategy. 

Aim to Understand the Culture that Already Exists 

Until a KM strategy is built by a company, it has already started being active in its chosen domain. This means that even though you might not have many employees, they are already collaborating and working together. How do they do this? How do they share information and knowledge? It can be through emails, instant messages, Slack, Skype, Trello, or other apps. Are there any weaknesses in this process? Which are the strengths? These are some of the questions you need to ask yourself when trying to understand the culture that has already started to form within the business. It is essential to do this because you can build the entire organizational culture on what already exists. 

This is essential for designing a KM strategy because it has to take into consideration the cultural and organizational elements of your business. One of the roles of KM strategy is to address these weaknesses and hot points that already exist and to minimize them. Writers who write my assignment on organizational culture and management say that even though many of the risks you identify now will come only in the future, having a strategy to solve them is essential. 

Look at the Needs 

A KM strategy should be deeply linked to the organizational goals you have already set. If your business does not have any goals, it would be wise to set some SMART ones. They will help you measure your progress, but also work towards achieving the same things.

Every team that works on some products or services has needs. Your KM strategy should address these needs, especially the ones you think will exist in the future. And more importantly, this strategy should be aligned with the organizational goals. There are many activities you will perform to manage the knowledge within the business and these activities should be aligned with your goals for the future. 

Make Knowledge Sharing a Habit 

One of the most important things when working in a team is to share information and communicate effectively with your team members. In a team, a team member’s tasks could depend on the progress of other team members. Moreover, there can be more experienced members that could teach valuable skills and share essential information with their colleagues.

When everyone is informed and has access to the information they need, it will be easier to do their jobs and be productive. How is this sharing of knowledge already happening in your business? What do team members appreciate the most about the work of another team member? It is important to show everyone in the company the benefits of sharing knowledge. If this process is valued, the business will grow healthily. 

KM Strategy that Considers Knowledge Retention 

Many things need to be included in the KM strategy and one of them is that that addresses knowledge retention. Knowledge exists in many forms, such as documents, tools, apps, and many more. But the ones that acquire and use this knowledge are the employees. It is wise to assume that not all employees will stay with your company forever and many of them will resign sometime in the future. This is one of the natural things that happen in the working market and you need to be prepared for it. The employees that will retire or resign will leave with a lot of essential knowledge that needs to be passed on. So, it is important to understand what is the important knowledge in the organization and how to keep it. Knowledge retention is essential and it should not be left out. 

Understanding the External Relations 

A business is indeed working with its employees to deliver certain products and services. But external collaborators such as customers, other companies, or freelancers are also interacting with you. How is this process going? What knowledge is shared among the two parties? How can your organization or business help another one? External relations are efficient because they can help a business grow tremendously, but they can also help a business assess the knowledge it does not have and find ways to acquire it. 

Ending Note 

Designing an effective KM strategy is not an easy job, but it is a strategy that is much needed in every organization and business. As companies grow from year to year, the policies and processes within the business develop even more. It is essential to have a KM strategy that addresses future risks and needs, underlies how the sharing of information and knowledge is done, and also the organizational culture, goals, and knowledge retention. 


Bio lines: Emily Harrinson is one of the most influential dissertation writers of a big company called She has been working in this company since 2006. Her hobby is reading books. But besides that, Emily is fond of sports and music. She is a very positive person.


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